Benefits for you and your family
Fruits and vegetables from your own garden are higher in nutrients than the ones that have traveled several thousands of miles to get to your grocery store.
Growing your own fruits and vegetables can reduce the use of pesticides used in gardens, making them healthier.
Growing your own fruits and vegetables will save your money at the grocery store.
It is a greater way to engage the whole family in physical activity and let's then help with taking care of it.
Fruits and vegetables grown in your own garden will promote health because they are rich in nutrients.
This can be a great time to spend with your children, making memories that can last a lifetime.
Your garden can lead to new skills and knowledge.
Gardens can foster a great sense of community through parent to parent connection, teacher to student or student to student.
School and community may decide to build a community or school garden.
A community/school garden can help to foster and motivate future leaders.
Neighborhood community gardens beautify landscape, support local farmers and can create a food secure community.
Tall fruit trees provide shade.
Using less pesticides or natural pesticides will have less contamination on the environment.
Turn unsightly lands into attractive landscapes.